The South Asian Network for Public Administration will hold its second webinar for 2023 on “The New Neo-Weberian State”. It will be on 29 April at 8:00 AM (Berlin time). Professor Wolfgang Drec...
Japan’s Digital Minister Karen Makishima’s mission to transform the country through the digitalisation of government is entering its crucial second phase, writes Matthew Bishop. “I believe the ...
From March 28th to March 30th, 2023, MOTIVE Project Meeting with the theme “Capacity Building on Survey Reporting” was held in Graz, Austria. The delegation of the National Academy of Public Administ...
Governments are facing a wave of historic challenges. The Chandler Good Government Index offers insights into the capabilities that can help them rise to the moment. The Patient Journey of Good Gover...
AsemconnectVietnam – Institutions, infrastructure, human resources, people and businesses play an important role in the development of the digital economy and digital society. Digital technolog...
On March 30, in Hanoi, the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) collaborated with the Directorate-General for Public Administration and Civil Service (DGAFP), the French National Institut...
Difficulties in human resources, if not overcome, will become bottlenecks, hindering development of the province. Therefore, it is very necessary to develop a scheme to attract and transform labor st...
NAPA hosted a reception in Hanoi on March 30, 2023, for two delegations of the French Republic, the Directorate-General for Public Administration and Civil Service (DGAFP) and the National Institute ...
Preservation and development of craft villages play an important role in promoting economic restructuring, rural labor, job creation and improvement of people’s lives; protect and preserve land...
On March 21, 2023, the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) received the leader representative of the National Archives of Cambodia (NAC) at NAPA headquarters in Hanoi. On behalf of NAPA,...