(PTOJ) - People being placed at the center of the political system is one of the core viewpoints of the Communist Party of Vietnam. This is consistently shown in the book titled “Some theoretical and practical issues about socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam” by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and in the Documents of the 13th National Party Congress. This article analyzes the connotation and the theoretical basis of the point of view “People are placed at the center”. Furthers, it expands on some basic conditions for good implementation of this principle in the activities of Vietnam’s political system.
The ideology “People are placed at the center” has appeared for a long time in the history of human thought. However, the extensions of the concept “people” has differed during various historical periods and under different political regimes. “The relationship between the Communist Party, the State and the people in the socialist political system is a relationship between entities unified in their goals and interests. Every Party guideline, every State policy, law and action, aims to serve the interest and happiness of the people”(1), pointed out by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in the book titled “Some theoretical and practical issues about socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam”. Generally, this is a concentrated expression of principle that “people are placed at the center”. So, what does “people are placed at the center” mean and what are the basic conditions to do this well? This article contributes to clarifying the two basic issues mentioned above.
1. Summary of the theoretical basis of the viewpoint “the people are placed at the center”
It is obvious that the people-centered ideology has appeared for a long time when looking back at the history of political thought. This ideology continues to be confirmed throughout the early and modern periods. However, the assurance rate of this principle is different because there are differences in the connotation of the concept “people” between historical periods and under different political regimes. For example:
In ancient times, the ideology of people’s sovereignty was also discussed by several intellectuals. Nevertheless, at that time, “people” were only a small minority instead of a majority in society. In a state in which slavery is legal, “the people’’ may only refer to the “the slave-owner class.”
In order to prepare political and ideological conditions which aimed to overthrow feudalism, the ideology of “people’s sovereignty” was clearly expressed during the Enlightenment period. After the capitalist regime was established, although ideologically and legally, the principle of “people are placed at the center” was clearly affirmed, its historic manifestation is limited. For this reason, “the people” under capitalism are still the bourgeoisie. In Lenin’s evaluation of bourgeois democracy, he supposed that “democracy is always hemmed in by the narrow limits set by capitalist exploitation, and consequently always remains, in effect, a democracy for the minority”(2).
Marxism – Leninism has scientifically argued the inevitable emergence of a truly “people-centered” social system – socialism. Also, it states that the ultimate goal of the Communist Party is that “people are placed at center”.
“Up to now, all of the historical movements have been carried out by the minority or have sought to benefit them. The proletarian movement is an independent one of the majority and seeks the interests of the majority”(3), expounded Marx and Engels in the Communist Party’s Manifesto. Moreover, “the proletariat of different nationalities prioritize and protect the interests that are independent of the nation-state and communal to the entire proletariat”. Additionally, they are always representative to the benefit of the whole movement in various stages of struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie”(4).
This shows that the Communist Party and the communists have no interests apart from the interests of the working class. In terms of the viewpoint of K.Marx and F.Engels, “people” means the majority of society. Furthermore, “seeking interests for the majority” is the leadership and ruling purpose of the Communist Party as well as the Socialist political system.
Marxism – Leninism does not only suppose that people are the leaders and the source of the rule of the Communist Party and the purpose that the socialist political system operates, but it also states that people are the driving force of the revolutionary movements under the leadership of the worker caste. Revolution is the cause of crowds, and the people are the creators of history.
With the realization that “people’s sovereignty does not derive from the king’s sovereignty; rather, the latter is based on the former”(5) and the state doesn’t create people, on contrary, it is created by people”(6), K.Marx emphasized the necessity and importance of promoting democracy in order to promote the strength of the people in the socialist regime.
Inheriting and developing the standpoint of K.Marx about the role of people in the socialist regime, V.I.Lenin pointed out: “Socialism is not the result of regulations that are issued from the top to down; lively and creative socialism is the cause of the mass of people themselves”(7). “The vanguard can only fulfill its mission when it knows how to have a strong attachment to the masses that it leads and actually lead the entirety of the masses forward. Without alliances with non-communists in very different fields of activity, there is no success in the construction of communism”(8), V.I.Lenin said.
Based on Marxism-Leninism and Vietnam’s reality, President Ho Chi Minh always emphasized the viewpoint “Revolution is the cause of people, by the people and for people”. Although he had not used the phrase “people are placed at the center’’, the connotation of the concept “people are placed at the center” is obviously and deeply reflected in Ho Chi Minh Thought. “Revolution is the cause of the masses rather than any individual hero. The success of our Communist Party arises from its pathway to organize and promote the people’s endless revolutionary force”(9), he stated. To bring into full play the power of the masses of the people, many conditions are needed, of which the important condition is to promote democracy and rely on the people to build the Party and political system. President Ho Chi Minh also supposed: “People contribute to developing the Communist Party by ways such as understanding the Party thoroughly, supporting the Party, responding to the Party’s calls, making every effort to help the Party comprehend the circumstances of the people, and honestly criticizing and voicing their opinions about the Party’s activities”.
Through Ho Chi Minh Thought, “people are placed at the center’’ is also shown in the core content of the Communist Party. The Government needs properly implement its role as “servants” of the people. He also emphasized that it’s required to keep our Party stainless and worthy of being the leader and faithful servant of the people. Further, the Party need to consider that “being a servant” of the people, the task of serving the people, taking care of the material and spiritual needs of the people as a duty, an honor and a joy. “The Party and the Government’s policy is to take great care of the people’s lives. If the people are in poverty, the fault belongs to the Party and the Government. If they are cold, it is the Party and the Government’s fault. If they are illiterate, the Party and the Government are at fault. And if they are sick, the Party and the Government also take responsibilities thereof”(11).
With the basis of Marxism – Leninism, Ho Chi Minh Thought and the reality of Vietnam’s revolution, our Party always emphasizes the sentiment “people are the root”, and that the Party works for people’s benefit and relying on the people in the leadership and ruling process.
The 11th National Party Congress clearly declared: “The revolutionary cause belongs to the people, by the people and for the people. They are the ones who achieved the historic victories. All activities of the Party must originate from the legitimate interests and aspirations of the people. The strength of the Party is formed from its close attachment to the people”(12).
“Renovation shall always deeply grasp the concept of “the people are the root”, devoted to the people’s interests, based on the people, promoting the role of their mastery, the sense of responsibility, the creativity and all resources of the people; promoting the strength of the great national unity”(13), the Party proclaimed in the 12th National Party Congress when looking back at the 30 years of our country’s renovation process. Although the above shows that the Party has always followed the concept “the people are placed at the center”, the Party has not officially used that term in the previous documents(14).
At the 13th National Congress, the Party first used this term when clearly stating: “The people are the center and the subject of the renovation, construction and defense of the Fatherland. Further, every policy or guideline must stem from the people’s legitimate lives, aspirations, rights and interests. It’s needed to set the people’s happiness and well-being as the goal which for which we strive(15). Also, the Party also emphasized: “the role of mastery and the central position of the people in the national development strategy shall be highly appreciated, as well as in the whole process of national construction and defense”(16). Stemming from the awareness of the central position and role of people, the 13th National Party Congress complemented and emphasized “the right to supervise” and “the right to benefit” of the people. Therefore, it stated that the great importance is to “persistently implement the motto “the people know, the people discuss, the people do, the people inspect, the people supervise, the people benefit”(17).
The above analysis shows that the point “people are the center” as mentioned in the Documents of the 13th Party Congress, is the successor and development of Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought on the central role of the people in the socialist revolution. This is also a profound practical summary by the Party on the role of the people in the process of the Party leading and in the ruling process.
2. Connotation and basic conditions for an accurate implementation of the principle “people are placed at the center”
In Vietnam, the principle “people are placed at the center” bears a profound connotation. However, it can be basically understood as via the following two points: (i) “People are placed at the center” means that it’s necessary to persistently pursue the socialist path to build the society that we need (a socialist society), “in which development is truly for the sake of the people, and not for profit which leads to plunder and tramples down the dignity of humanity”(18); (ii) “The people are the center” as the guiding principle for the organization and operation of the political system, especially the leadership and ruling activities of the Party and the governance of the State. The people are the center as a principle in the organization and operation of the Vietnamese political system, with basic connotations including:
Firstly, “the people are placed at the center” means that the people’s interests are the operational goals and objectives of the political system, especially those of the Party and the State. This means that the existence of the Party and State is also for the sake of the people, seeking for the interests of the people. The Party and State are servants of the people, apart from the interests of the people, the Party and State have no other interests. The Party, the State and the contingent of cadres and civil servants “wholeheartedly and wholeheartedly serve the Fatherland, serve the people, take the people’s well-being, happiness and satisfaction as a goal for which to strive”(19).
Secondly, “people are placed at the center” means that all lines of the Party, policies, laws and activities of the State are for the benefit of the people; all theory and practice come from the people, for the people; The planning and implementation of all mottos, policies, and all work must come from the people, for the sake of the people. In other words, the interests of the people are the starting point and the final point of all undertakings and policies of the Party and State.In terms of all policies, guidelines of the Party and all activity of political system, must put the put the interests of the people first and foremost.
Thirdly, “people are placed at the center” refers to a meaning that it is necessary for a political system to well implement, maintain and develop the fundamental benefits of people. Besides, From the perspective of human and citizen’s rights, people’s rights shall be well guaranteed. Particularly, they are civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. Therefore, it’s necessary for the political system to protect, ensure and strengthen the implementation of these rights by comprehensively developing and renovating economic, political, cultural and social fields.
Fourthly, “people are placed at the center” refers to arousing and promoting of all resources and strength of the people to build a prosperous and happy life for the people. Following the lessons of Ho Chi Minh Thought, this means that “Bring the people’s talents and people’s power to benefit the people”, because “no matter how small or easy it [the task] is, it can’t be completed without the people’s force, no matter how big or difficult it is, it can be well performed with the people’s force”(20).
Fifthly, “people are placed at the center” also means that it is needed to rely on the people to develop the Party and political system; to promote the role of people in participating in formulating policies and to ensure their presence in all phases of the decision-making process related to the people’s rights and interests. This is performed by giving ideas, participating in discussions, debates and criticisms, as well monitoring the implementation process.
“People are placed at the center” especially emphasizes that it is necessary for the Party and the State to pay attention and promptly solve the pressing problems of the people. The Party’s policy is that “Party committees and authorities at all levels shall regularly engage in dialogue, listen to, learn from, internalize the opinions and solve the difficulties, challenges, along with legitimate requests from the people. Further, they need to believe in the people, to honor and listen to other opinions. Additionally, it’s important to help the people express their viewpoints, aspirations and carry out their mastery through the Fatherland Front and the people’s organizations by preparing specific forms, mechanisms, and measures. Finally, it’s required to respect and honor the contributions and dedication by the people’’(21).
Sixthly, “people are placed at the center” refers to taking the level of people’s satisfaction as the basic criterion to evaluate all the work of the Party and the State. “People are placed at the center” also means that taking people’s approval or disapproval, happiness or unhappiness, agreement or disagreement, satisfaction, or dissatisfaction as fundamental standards to evaluate all work. It’s essential to establish institutions that enable the political system to record public sentiment as well as public thoughts and reflections about the Party and the State’s activities and policies. “Taking work results, people’s satisfaction and trust as important criteria to evaluate the quality of organizational structure and the quality of cadres and Party members”, as stated in the spirit of the 13th National Party Congress(22).
It’s necessary to have certain principles to ensure the power and interests of the people in all fields from politics, to the economy, to culture and society correctly follow the principle “people are placed at the center” or “taking people as the center” in the operation of the political system.
In particular, there are four principles as follows: The first is the constitutional principles which means the guarantee of democracy under the rule of law and the people’s fundamental rights, notably their democratic rights by the Constitution and the laws. The second is the principles of political institutions which implies that the political system shall be continually renovated to ensure that political power belongs to the people and is utilized for their advantages. The third is the principle of economic institutions that refers to perfecting the economic institutions in order to ensure the economic power of the people, to prevent economic manipulation. Also, it is necessary to pass laws to ensure the economic power of the people and to safeguard the people participation in all activities, in the development process and that they benefit the fruits of the development. The fourth is the principle of social institutions. It is necessary to establish social institutions to ensure and improve social security as well as pay attention to effectively solving problems related to the fields of education, health, environment, and social security. Moreover, it is required to control the public spending, giving priority to solving problems that directly and broadly relate to the interests and lives of all classes of people.
The basic conditions that ensure “people are placed at the center” include:
Firstly, “enhancing the Party’s capacity to lead, rule, and fight and establishing a pure, robust, and all-encompassing Party and political system”(23). The right leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam is a decisive factor in “people are placed at the center” in Vietnam. So, strengthening the Party building and rectification is a prerequisite to ensure the Party’s leadership as well as enhance the Party’s leadership and ruling capacity. In addition, building a socialist legitimate state that belongs to the people, is run by and for the people is also essential.
Secondly, it’s required to promote democracy, ensure the effective participation of the people in national governance. Because only by implementing these conditions can “people are placed at the center” be realized. Therefore, it is necessary for the political system, especially the State, to ensure the publicity and transparency of information, the rights and the opportunities to be entitled to access information of all classes of people. Concurrently, it’s needed to well implement the motto “People know, people discuss, people do, people inspect, people supervise and people benefit. Furthermore, an important goal is to encourage the roles of the people, enterprises, socio-political, professional organizations, and communities in partaking in the formulation, criticism and supervision of the execution of laws, mechanisms and policies of the State as well as expand social self-governance.
Particularly, the institutions of democratic practice need to be continually concretized and improved to promote the participation by people, which ensures that all state power belongs to the people. They are institutions based on the spirit of the Platform (complemented and developed in 2011) and the 2013 Constitution for national construction in the transitional period to socialism. Besides, it’s crucial to encourage the role and participation of the people in formulating, promulgating and organizing the implementation of the Party’s guidelines, the State’s policies and legislation. Moreover, it is vital to properly coordinate and execute the public’s involvement in the observation and assessment of the effectiveness of political institutions; quality and capability of the contingent of cadres and party members. Moreover, the work performance, satisfaction, and confidence of the people should be seen as a significant criteria for assessing the quality of the organizational apparatus, the quality of cadres, and party members”(24).
Thirdly, it is the must to safeguard people’s material interests and effectively carry out economic growth in conjunction with social advancement and justice. Additionally, ensuring that all social groups participate in economic growth and fairly and fully enjoy the fruits of economic development is an important requirement.
Fourthly, the Code of Ethics for civil servants and cadres is properly observed. In order to ensure “people are placed at the center”, it is essential to develop a group of cadres and government employees who are actually “servants” of the people. This means that so as to fulfill the need of “people are placed at the center” in the administration of the political system, it is required for cadres and civil servants to adhere to fundamental principles of civil service ethics such as: serving the people; prioritizing the interests of the people; having public responsibility; being fair in the execution of official duties; using public resources sensibly, economically, and efficiently; and promoting democracy in leadership and governance(25).
In summary, there is a profound connotation in the viewpoint “people are placed at the center”, in which the people are the subject, the operational purpose of the political system as well as the driving force of renovation and development. It is needed to ensure the principles of constitutional, political, economic and social institutions to have a good implementation of this requirement. In particular, the basic condition that helps carry out this requirement properly is the Party’s capacity to lead and rule; uphold the law; advance democracy as well as the effective participation of the people in national governance. It is an great significance both in theory and in practice when emphasizing the principle “people are placed at the center” while structuring and running the political system. In terms of theory, as well as directing various contents in political theory study, this enhances and enriches Vietnam’s development theory. With regard to practice, this idea serves as the guideline for creating and developing institutions as well as updating and enhancing their operational capabilities in our nation’s political system.
Received: October 15, 2022; Revised: November 23, 2022; Approved for publication: November 25, 2022.
(1), (18) Nguyen Phu Trong: Some theoretical and practical issues about socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2022, pp.28, 21.
(2) V.I.Lenin: Complete works, vol.33, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2005, pp.106-107
(3), (4) K.Marx and F.Engels: Complete works, vol.1, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 1980, p.557, 558.
(5), (6) K.Marx and F.Engels: Complete works, vol.I, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2002, pp.347, 350.
(7) V.I.Lenin: Complete works, vol.35, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2006, p.64.
(8) V.I.Lenin: Complete works, vol.45, ibid, pp.28-29.
(9) Ho Chi Minh: Complete works, vol.12, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2011, p.672.
(10) Ho Chi Minh: Complete works, vol.8, ibid, pp.280-281.
(11) Ho Chi Minh: Complete works, vol.9, ibid, p.518.
(12) CPV: Documents of the 11th National Party Congress, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2011, pp.65-66.
(13), (21) CPV: Documents of the 12th National Party Congress, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2016, pp.69, 210.
(14) Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh, Nguyen Trong Binh: “Applying new points on promoting socialist democracy in the Document of the 13th National Party Congress in researching and teaching political theory”, Political Theory Journal, No.7-2021, p.95-99.
(15), (16), (17), (22), (23), (24) CPV: Document of the 13th National Party Congress of Deputies, vol.I, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2021, p.27-28, 173, 27, 192, 111, 191-192.
(19) CPV: Regulation No. 08-Qdi/TW on the responsibility of setting good examples by cadres and party members, Hanoi, 2018.
(20) Ho Chi Minh: Complete works, vol.7, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2011, p.176.
(25) Nguyen Trong Binh: Reinforcing the construction of Code of Ethics for civil servants and cadres in our country today, Journal of Political Theory, No.5-2019, p.101-108.
Academy of Politics Region IV